Medication Support Home Care Services

How do we support people with safely with medications at home?
All of our carers are qualified to administer and manage medication and prescriptions. Any medication we give is carefully documented and we always ensure that prescription directions are followed carefully.
It's hard for most service users to manage medication at home due to memory loss, poor eyesight, or complicated prescriptions and multiple medications.
We can make life a lot easier, but most importantly much safer by:
- Correctly preparing and witnessing medication.
- Documenting medication and holding accurate records of what is in your system.
- Managing stock control.
- Chasing medication deliveries.
- Arranging medication reviews.
- Handling medication storage and security.

"These carers are brilliant. My brother always forgot to take his medication and found himself in the hospital on numerous occasions. He has had no falls since we Moral Care started looking after him."

It is against our policy for us to administer from dosette boxes (see image). This is because with dosette boxes we don't know what medication is in them, the dose, the expiry, or if it is the correct drug. Blister packs prepared by the pharmacy are safe for us to dispense.
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