Duty of Candour
1.14 Duty of Candour
A safety incident is an unintended or unexpected incident, which is suspected to have occurred to a service user during the provision of a regulated activity and that could result or has resulted in harm to a service user. A notifiable safety incident in the care setting is a safety incident which results in the following types of harm:
- Death of a service user (not due to natural course, underlying illness or condition)
- Permanent (lasting continuously for at least 28 days) impairment of sensory, motor or cognitive functions
- Prolonged pain or psychological harm lasting (or expected to last) over 28 days.
- Changes the structure of the body
- Shortens life expectancy
- Requires medical treatment in order to prevent any of the above
Any employees of MoralCare must report any incidents to the management, in full detail in accordance with this policy. Accident/incident forms can be found in the back of every service users file and at the bottom of our website.
If a notifiable Safety Incident occurs, MoralCares registered person will notify a relevant person that the incident occured and provide the relevant person with all information relating directly to the incident and provide reasonable support to the relevant person in relation to the incident.
It will be recorded in writing and provide a truthful account of all the facts MoralCare knows about the incident at the time. It should also advise, and if possible , agree with the relevant person what further enquiries into the incident are appropriate. It must include an apology. It must be followed in writing by a notification covering the facts of the incident, the enquiries available or undertaken and the apology.
Full investigations will be held for any accident or incident reported to MoralCare.