DATE OF REVIEW: 16th April 2024 

Registered Manager: Rebecca Williamson
Nominated Individual: Rebecca Williamson
Data Protection Officer: Rebecca Williamson

Telephone: 01524 874110
Email: [email protected]
CQC Location ID: 1-10770214560

2. Statement of Purpose
Our Aims & Values
Home care services should reflect and promote values upon the individual service user as being the centre of
planning and service delivery. Our CORE values are:
● Kindness and Compassion
● Independence
● Choice & Consent
● Fulfillment and Quality of life
● Person-centered Care
● Care delivered by happy and competent Staff
● Continuity

Each service user is different, and each service user's care package will reflect this. The service user is central to
everything that we do and MoralCare respond accordingly.

Philosophy of Care
MoralCare aims to safeguard and promote the health, well-being, and quality of life of vulnerable people living in the
comfort of their own homes. Our objective is to provide care services that:

● Are reliable, dependable, and responsive
● Are dignified and respectable
● Are Consistent
● Recognise individuality and diversity
● Maximise independence
● Employ competent, well-trained and kind-natured staff
● Have accurate and precise record-keeping and reporting procedure
● Enable service users to make choices about how the care is to be provided.

Moral Care values each individual and takes great lengths to ensure each service user receives quality care and each service user is happy with the service they receive.

Categories of Care
● Personal Care
● Dementia Care
● End of life
● Respite Care
● Elderly Care

Moral Care provides a range of personal care and essential domestic support services. The exact nature of service
provided to each service user will vary as each care package is tailored to their needs, the following examples of
services that are offered:
● Assistance with dressing/grooming/bathing
● Help with personal cleanliness
● Assisting with getting in and out of bed
● Preparation of meals and drinks
● Support with continence care
● Assistance with mobility needs
● Administration/ Support of medication
● Support with home from the hospital
● Assistance with domestic tasks
● Accompanying appointments
● Assistance to arrange appointments with other professionals such as doctors, opticians etc
● Providing companionship
● Providing respite for families and personal carers
● End-of-life care
● Dementia care

Overview of the process of care
1. Request for care received
2. Home visit by registered manager & full holistic assessment of needs/risks, contracts & create a plan of care.
3. We will review care plans every month. Service users are free to suggest changes at any time and will be
communicated to if a the review identifies a need to propose a change to the plan. Service users are involved
in the process throughout. Reviews happen continually throughout the service to ensure MoralCare remains
responsive to changing needs and preferences.

Quality Statement
At Moral Care, we strive for nothing less than outstanding quality care services. We maintain quality by conducting
regular audits, self-assessment tools, CQC inspections, complaints forms, incident forms, regular team meetings,
carer support, service user questionnaires & feedback, management visits to service users and overall PASSION for
everything we do in supporting people and making a lasting positive difference to them.

Staff Quality Assurance
All our staff undergo a well-structured induction/shadowing period and are required to apply for an enhanced DBS
check and complete a right-to-work check. All staff members receive extensive training and training updates. They
will then be required to have completed our induction framework, medication competency, selected training modules
and demonstrated competence before working independently with service users. This process ensures each staff
member is introduced to all service users in the presence of a permanent staff member before working with one
another. We never want a service user to feel like a “stranger” is in their home.

Our induction process ensures staff:
➢ Have read care plans
➢ Can work independently, treat service users with privacy, dignity & respect
➢ Understand identifying, preventing, and reporting abuse
➢ Are aware of our policies & procedures and how to access them
➢ Experience/understanding of typical duties
➢ Understand the quality standard they are required to work to
➢ Follow confidentiality
➢ What duties they cannot undertake
➢ Have knowledge of the organisation
➢ Feel supported and competent before going into the field without direct supervision
➢ Are aware of our quality process and monitoring.

Random spot checks will be carried out to ensure staff are staying their allocated time, following uniform policy and
ensuring quality care is always being delivered and service users are satisified.

Moral Care is a privately owned domiciliary care service, based in Lancashire, that provides compassionate care to:
● People aged 65 and older
● People with Dementia
● People at the end of life.
● Physical disabilities
These people may fall under secondary categories such as sensory impairment.

Our person-centered home care service gives our service users the choice to remain independent in their own homes,
without compromising on quality of care. We are based in Morecambe and our geographical area covers Morecambe
Hest Bank, Lancaster, Overton, Middleton, Bolton le sands, Carnforth, Silverdale and the surrounding areas. Moral
Care is regulated and inspected by the Care Quality Commission. We strive to exceed the national minimum
standards.. Everyone using our service, has the right to expect:
● Person-centred care
● Dignity and respect
● Consent
● Safety
● Safeguarding from abuse
● Food and drink
● Premises and equipment
● Complaints
● Good governance
● Staffing
● Fit and proper staff
● Duty of candour
● Display of ratings

How will Moral Care be caring?
● Moral Care staff understand the cultural, social and religious needs of service users
● Staff take time to interact with people and centre the care around the individual
● Staff are respectful and considerate towards the service user and their home
● Service users are empowered to make decisions
● Service users are supported to take positive risks
● Privacy, confidentiality and dignity is always maintained
● Employing passionate teams

How will Moral Care be safe?
● Strict safeguarding policies & procedures
● Robust recruitment processes
● Staff training in safeguarding & safety
● Correct management of waste
● Safe staffing levels and skilled staff
● Comprehensive risk assessments & positive risk management
● Care records and data managed by those actively caring for the service user
● Appropriate and efficient information sharing
● Safe storage and recording of medications
● Continuous monitoring of accident/incidents/ near misses
● Identifying lessons learned
● Safety audits
How will Moral Care be effective?
● Care needs wholly and holistically assed
● Protecting the rights of those subject to the MHA
● Assessments on meeting the needs and preferences of each service user
● Identifying training opportunities for staff
● Staff development plans
● Staff coaching, mentoring, appraisals, meetings, supervisions
● Staff spot checks to ensure care is delivered to the desired standards
● Involving different teams in care
● Delivering consistent, person centred care
● On call systems
● Involving people in their packages
● People are supported to make decisions
● Robust systems that ensure regular reviews and recording

How will Moral Care be responsive?
● Meeting each individuals different needs
● Reducing barriers
● People are encouraged to develop relationships
● Responding to positive and negative feedback from public, service users & staff
● Supporting people to make informed choices.
● Future preferences and decisions pre-discussed
● People with urgent care needs prioritised in urgent events
● Out of hours number to notify any late visits - to ensure visits are not missed
● Responding to complaints - everyone can easily access

How will Moral Care be well-led?
● The manager having relevant skills, knowledge and qualifications
● Monitoring sustainability and quality of the service
● Management being present and approachable
● A planned structure on the day to day running - to ensure compliance is always reached
● Staff feel respected, supported and valued
● Staff risk assessments and safety monitored and identified as individuals
● Following the Good Governance policy
● Quality assurance systems
● All staff and public having access to all policies & procedures online
● Rewarding staff and noticing hard work
● Measures to improve company and staff performance
We believe that each individual should be in control of their own life and their own decisions, care is delivered, how it
should be, centered around the service user.

Nature of Services Provided
Moral Care provides a range of personal care and essential domestic support services. The exact nature of service
provided to each service user will vary as each care package is tailored to their needs, the following examples of
services that are offered:
● Assistance with dressing/grooming/bathing
● Help with personal cleanliness
● Assisting with getting in and out of bed
● Preparation of meals and drinks
● Support with continence care
● Assistance with mobility needs
● Administration/ Support of medication
● Support with home from hospital
● Assistance with domestic tasks
● Accompanying to appointments
● Assistance to arrange appointments with other professionals such as doctors, opticians etc
● Providing companionship
● Providing respite for families and personal carers
● End of life care
● Dementia care

Registered Manager
The registered manager and accountable person is: Rebecca WIlliamson
Business Address: 14 Pedder Grove, Morecambe, Lancashire LA3 3HN
● Health & Social Care Diploma Level 2
● Health & Social Care Diploma Level 3
● Health & Social Care Diploma in Leadership Level 5
● Team Leadership Level 3
● Advanced Level Apprenticeship in Adult Social Care
● Intermediate Apprenticeship in Team Leading
● Intermediate Apprenticeship in Adult Health & Social Care

Registered Provider
The registered provider is: Moral Care Limited

Number of Relevant Qualifications and Experience of Staff
All staff under the employment of Moral Care will be expected to enroll onto the Health & Social Care Level 2. All
staff will have full support and encouragement in growth and career development.
The numbers of staff change frequently due to the growing needs of the business. As the level of service grows, so
will the staff. The manager will contribute to work on “the front line” of the business alongside the other employees
and will always be available as “backup” in the event of staff being absent. This is to ensure our service users needs
are always met and things are running as smoothly as can be. We will never cancel a service users care.

All members of our team will receive the full range of training in line with the statutory requirements which include
training on:
● Moving & handling
● First Aid
● Communication
● Dignity, Equality, Diversity
● Fire Safety
● Food Hygiene
● Health & Safety Awareness
● Infection prevention control
● Medication Management
● Mental Capacity and DoLS
● Assisting & moving people
● Nutrition & hydration
● Lone work awareness
● End-of-life care
● Dementia care
● Prevention of abuse & Safeguarding
● Challenging behaviour
● People have had a stroke
And much, much more.

Status and Constitution
Private Limited Company. This is a domiciliary care agency owned by Rebecca Williamson and may be appropriately
managed by Moral Care and registered under Care Quality Commission.

Organisational Structure of The Facility

Number of Service User Accommodated or Provided with Services
The number of service users under the care of Moral Care will gradually grow throughout time. Moralcare intends to
adapt its facilities in order to meet demand in the future and will not accept admissions unless there are the required
staffing levels available to meet their needs.

Arrangements in place for consultation with service users about the operation of the organisation
Feedback surveys are issued every 6 months to each service user. The manager is in regular communication with
service users and carries out the initial assessment.

Arrangements in Place for Meeting Service User’s Spiritual/ religious needs
During the assessment process, service users are asked about which religion they support and if care workers need to
take any measures to respect their spiritual/religious needs, all of which, our staff will be respectful of.

The Arrangements for Dealing with Complaints
In brief, MoralCare aims to resolve concerns and complaints swiftly and effectively. The complainant will always
receive acknowledgment of their complaint within 48 hours. The manager will initially try to resolve the complaint
informally by discussing the matter with the service user or their representative (the complaint will always be
documented). The focus at this stage will be to “Problem solve” and agree a way forward which is acceptable to all
parties involved. It is expected that this will take up to 5 working days.

If the complaint cannot be resolved informally, it will be enhanced to an investigation. The manager will investigate
the matter and discuss the outcome with the service user, some details may be withheld if confidentiality is
compromised. It is expected at this stage of the procedure will take no longer than 14 working days. All service users
will have access to a complaints form in the back of their files or via the website.
Moral care endeavours to resolve any complaint within a 28 day period and will always listen to complaints without

During any stage of the procedure, the service user has the right to escalate the complaint to the care quality
commissions. CQC is the body responsible for registering, inspecting and regulating domiciliary care agencies.

To contact CQC directly, please use the following details:
CQC National Correspondence
City Gate
TEL: 03000616161
FAX: 03000616171
Where a local authority or primary care trust is commissioning the care, a complaint can also be taken to them.

Respecting Privacy and Dignity of Service Users
Each service user is treated with dignity and respect at all times within their homes.
● Staff will always knock entering a service users home, regardless if a key safe is in place or not.
● Service users will always be offered privacy with personal care or toilet needs.
● Staff will allow service users to speak to their family or friends without their presence.
● Service users details will always be dealt with on a strictly confidential basis.
● Personal mail and phone calls will be respected.
● If a staff member is asked to leave the premises, we will respect this and do so, unless under exceptional
circumstances where the service user is at risk.
Dignity :
● Service users will be addressed by their preferred name.
● All personal care will be carried out in a professional manner.
● All service users will be spoken to with respect and dignity.
● Personal care will be carried out with privacy and dignity.

A service user guide is given to each service user before service commencement with an easy-to-read handbook on
how we can support them and what our ethos is.

MoralCare is committed to the vision of supporting people to ‘live a better life’ which is achieved through the delivery
of an enabling service that meets the highest standards and supports individuals to exercise personal choice and
control, maintain their independence, dignity and quality of life in the comfort of their own home.
Our Values are central to everything we do and will be upheld by our trained staff team:
● We are committed to offering high-quality care and support services delivered with dedication, compassion,
and sensitivity.
● We recognise that the little things are important and we will work with our Customers and their
families/carers to ensure that support is tailored to meet their specific needs and requirements.
● Working together, we actively respect and encourage the right to independence and support people to
achieve their aspirations and live full and meaningful lives.
● We actively listen and respond to the people we support, promoting a culture of involvement and
● We strive to create a safe, friendly, and caring environment, where people are treated with courtesy, dignity
and respect.
● We treat people fairly and behave with honesty, integrity and openness at all times.
● We recognise that our staff are our greatest asset. We actively promote a culture of learning and development
– supporting our staff to be the best that they can be.
● We implement the capacity act, and support people with weighing up risks and making decisions.
We strive to exceed expectations.